Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunny Saint Valéry!

I know! You've seen enough of Saint Valéry and you know all the sights in town because I've put up umpteen number of photographs. But I haven't done any of the above with my new Canon 500D :D Plus I can't travel to a new exotic location to photograph because I'm broke :( thanks to said Canon camera. Major fail. But hey, no fret. I love the camera and this no money phase too shall pass. 
Today was such a blissful day. It came by after such a long bout of cold and grey weather. Literally the whole town was outside taking in the sun! It's a strange thing how we never appreciate what we have (been there said that). Back home, I despise the sun. I find ways, both strange and annoying to avoid it on my skin. But now that I live in Normandy, where my lips chap at every given chance, where my knuckles turn bright white from the cold, where I can pinch my nose and still not feel it. During times like these, I think about my Goan sun. Something which was so truly mine, so precious but so overlooked! Well today the sun came out in Normandy and it brought out all the colours in the region. The north of France is not as vivacious as the south. But a nice sunny day is all you need to spot it's delightful eccentricities :)


  1. I loved, loved this:
    "...where my lips chap at every given chance, where my knuckles turn bright white from the cold, where I can pinch my nose and still not feel it. During times like these, I think about my Goan sun. Something which was so truly mine..."
    And I absolutely loved the all the pictures which have red in them. Is it a kind of berry? The leaves look like Holly (eek! Is that totally off the mark?). Anyway, the point is, beautiful! You do know I'm not kidding when I tell you to take it up professionally, don't you?

  2. OMG you know what I'm pretty sure it's holly because I thought so too when I saw it. I'm really content with the new camera. Thanks for the faith gal! hopefully someday some magazine takes up the work!
    much love
