Friday, March 30, 2012

The innocent dead

These past two weeks were spent doing nothing. I've felt like a crêpe, flat with no emotion, no motivation to write, study or do something creative. All thanks to this person. Meet Mohammed Merah, a 23 year old French kid who turned into a jihadist and went on a killing spree in the south of France. What shocked the world was the nature of the crimes. Basically he targetted the army, the jewish community and each crime was video taped and meant to be published online! How sick is that!
I can't help thinking about the little innocent children who were taken from us much too quickly. What did they know about the war of religion? What did they do to deserve the wrath of this twisted maniac? The entire world is shocked by the incident and France has decided to take a firm stand against islamic radicals in the country.  Peace was finally restored when this coward was shot dead, by the RAID (the special operations unit of the French Police), after nearly two days of negotiations and nearly 300 rounds of bullets. I would have liked to see him tried and hung but I feel the RAID did the best they could and admire them for such quick and effective actions! 

My heart goes out to all the families of the victims. That could have been my son or my daughter or my husband who was killed, simply because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time! What's happening to the world? How did life become so worthless? In memory of the children who left before they could see the glory of spring, I offer a few pictures I took that just happened to cheer me up. I hope they offer solace to those who are suffering from the shock of this tragedy. Nature can heal. Slowly.
R.I.P little angels.

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