Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring has sprung!

As cliché as that sounds, Spring has indeed sprung. France is marvellous during Springtime. The weather is perfect, there are flowers everywhere and the French seem a tad happier too. Amen. I have one more month left in Saint Valéry before my work contract expires. I'm sad and happy at the same time. I know I will be devastated to leave my students and this charming place behind. But another part of me wants to move onto bigger and better things. My heart is convinced that Monsieur S is the man if my dreams. He does everything my fairytale prince used to do. Believe it or not, he is the first guy to ever buy me flowers. At 23, that's quite loser-ish to say but I'm thrilled that he's my first :) 
Our weekend was pretty low key. We spent the days exploring the town and were charmed by the flora coming to life all around us. There were so many hues of green and yellow, the entire coast seemed lit up!
We love taking pictures of the sheep in the distance and flowers and ferns whose names we will never know. 
I would love to live on a farm. Just to have a cute labrador, a funny looking goat and two fat horses. 
Yellow and black.
Yellow-ish Green.
Yellow and Black again.
Finally my favourite whites.

Happy Spring Everyone! 

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